[Crosstalk] Upcoming Educause Learning Initiative Webinars

Brandon Muramatsu mura at MIT.EDU
Fri Sep 16 17:27:11 EDT 2011

Hi all, thanks to the folks that participated in the ELI Fall Online Focus
Session this week. Educause should be posting a recording for the general
public in about 90 days. If there are any sessions you missed that you'd
like to watch, send me a private email and I'll see what we can do to
provide you access.

Also there a few upcoming webinars and seminars that you might be interest
in watching.

ELI 2011 Webinars -- FREE

   - October 3, The Future of Metrics, Measurement, and Funding
   - November 7, Goldilocks and the 13 Open Repositories (Finding the "Just
   Right" One) <http://net.educause.edu/eliweb1113>
   - November 14, Coding, Captioning, and Courses: Accessibility in the
   Digital Age <http://net.educause.edu/eliweb1113>

ELI 2011 Online Seminar -- $75 registration

   - November 7, Open Content for Open Minds<http://net.educause.edu/eli118>

If you're interested in the Online Seminar, please let us know, we'll see if
we can arrange a viewing.



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