[Crosstalk] OEIT coffee hour - THIS MORNING

Molly Ruggles ruggles at mit.edu
Tue Jan 19 05:38:44 EST 2010

Take your coffee break with us this morning! 

*Today, from 10am-noon in room 1-142 *(also Thurs 1/21, 10am-noon)

Chat with OEIT staff and MIT colleagues about using technology to 
enhance teaching & learning, sustaining current efforts, building from 
the work of others, and improving accessibility.

Please feel free to share this with anyone you think might be 
interested. And if you know of any colleagues who might benefit from 
talking with us please feel free to bring them along.

Come warm up with a cup of coffee and a muffin.

Molly Ruggles and  Toru Iioyshi

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