[Crosstalk] OEIT Coffee Hours: Jan19 & 21 - you're invited!

Molly D. Ruggles ruggles at mit.edu
Wed Jan 13 15:49:23 EST 2010

You're invited:


Tues Jan 19 & Thurs Jan 21 10 am - noon, room 1-142

Learn about:
- using technology to enhance your teaching and student learning
- finding ways to sustain and enhance your current efforts
- building and developing from the work of others
- making your existing tools more widely accessible

.... and simply chat with OEIT staff and MIT colleagues about  
education, innovation, and technology. Come enjoy a cup of coffee, a  
tasty muffin, and take a break!

For more information, contact Toru (iiyoshi at mit.edu) or Molly  
(ruggles at mit.edu)

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