[Crosstalk] Additional IAP sessions from MIT Academic Computing and AMPS this week

Violeta Ivanova violeta at MIT.EDU
Mon Jan 30 16:44:05 EST 2006

In addition to the sessions announced in an earlier email today, IS&T  
Academic Computing is also pleased to sponsor the following two IAP  
sessions this week (scroll down for description of each class):

Using MATLAB for Test and Measurement Applications
Tue Jan 31, 02-04:00pm, 3-133

Advanced Programming Tips and Techniques for MATLAB 7
Thu Feb 2, 02-04:00pm, 3-133


You may also find interesting the following session offered by  
Academic Media Production  Services:

Using Stellar to Search MIT Image Repositories
Wed Feb 1, 10-11:00am, 56-114



Using MATLAB for Test and Measurement Applications
Cheung Chau, The Mathworks
Tue Jan 31, 02-04:00pm, 3-133

No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event

MathWorks engineers will demonstrate how MATLAB can be used as a tool  
for test and measurement applications in industry and academic  
research. This technical seminar will help you: (1) learn how to  
communicate with test and measurement hardware from MATLAB; (2)  
discover how to build and analyze applications including data  
analysis; (3) explore tools for developing GUIs, data export and  
reporting, and application deployment. Experienced MATLAB users will  
receive the most benefit from this session.

Web: http://web.mit.edu/violeta/www/IAP2006/#matlabadvanced
Contact: Violeta Ivanova, N42-250J, (617) 252-1383, violeta at mit.edu
Sponsor: Information Services and Technology


Advanced Programming Tips and Techniques for MATLAB 7
Dr. Loren Shure, The Mathworks
Thu Feb 2, 02-04:00pm, 3-133

No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event

MATLAB 7 introduced several new programming concepts to the MATLAB  
language, including new function types and data types. This master  
class will demonstrate the usage and benefits of the different  
function types, and you will learn how using the right function type  
can lead to more robust and maintainable code and how different  
MATLAB data types are stored in memory. Experienced MATLAB  
programmers will receive the most benefit from this session.

Web: http://web.mit.edu/violeta/www/IAP2006/#matlabadvanced
Contact: Violeta Ivanova, N42-250J, (617) 252-1383, violeta at mit.edu
Sponsor: Information Services and Technology


Using Stellar to Search MIT Image Repositories
Ben Brophy, User Interface Designer, Stellar Course Management System
Wed Feb 1, 10-11:00am, 56-114

No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event

Stellar Images is a new tool being developed by the Stellar team that  
lets instructors search for images to use in the classroom. Initially  
the Stellar community will have access to images from the Rotch  
Visual Collection and the Visualizing Cultures Image Database. In  
this session, Ben will demonstrate the tool and gather feedback on  
how to improve it. Current plans for the tool are to add additional  
sources for images, as well as functionality for creating slideshows.

Contact: Ben Brophy, 9-250, x2-2085, benbr at mit.edu
Sponsor: Academic Media Production Services

Violeta Ivanova, Ph.D.
Educational Technology Consultant
MIT Information Services & Technology

violeta at mit.edu

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