[Crosstalk] IAP offerings this week from Academic Computing

Violeta Ivanova violeta at MIT.EDU
Mon Jan 30 11:42:32 EST 2006

IS&T Academic Computing is pleased to be sponsoring the following IAP  
sessions this week (scroll down for descriptions and registration  
info for each class):

Math on the Web
Fri Feb 3, 02-04:00pm, 3-270

GIS: Site Selection - Making Spatial Decisions Using a GIS
Mon Jan 30, 02-03:30pm, 37-312

GIS: Advanced ArcGIS
Tue Jan 31, 02-05:00pm, 37-312

GIS: Programming in ArcGIS
Wed Feb 1, 02-05:00pm, 37-312

GIS: Programming Neighborhood Searches in ArcGIS
Thu Feb 2, 02-05:00pm, GIS Lab 7-238, Rotch Library

Introduction to Mathematica - Session 4: Graphics
Mon Jan 30, 02-04:00pm, 1-115

Introduction to Mathematica - Session 5: Programming
Wed Feb 1, 02-04:00pm, 1-115


You may also find interesting the Better Teaching @ MIT series  
offered by the Teaching and Learning Lab:

Better Teaching @ MIT

Tech's Top Teachers Talk Turkey
Mon Jan 30, 12-01:00pm, 9-151

Special Considerations for Teaching in the Multicultural Classroom
Tue Jan 31, 12-01:00pm, 9-151

Planning and Running Recitations
Wed Feb 1, 12-01:00pm, 9-151

Coaches Teach the Teachers
Thu Feb 2, 12-01:00pm, 9-151

How to Speak
Fri Feb 3, 12-01:00pm, 32-155



Math on the Web
Fri Feb 3, 02-04:00pm, 3-270

Haynes Miller, MIT Department of Mathematics
Ian Hutchinson, MIT Department of Nuclear Engineering
Daniel Jamous, Harvard University FAS Computing Services
Violeta Ivanova, MIT Academic Computing
Chris Terman, MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer  

One two-hour seminar on various technology for web publishing of  
mathematics, including the MATLAB Web Server, webMathematica, and  
mathML, and for creating online teaching tools for computation and  
visualization intense materials.
Web: http://web.mit.edu/violeta/www/IAP2006/#mathweb
Contact: Violeta Ivanova, N42-250j, x2-1383, violeta at mit.edu
Sponsor: Information Services and Technology


GIS: Site Selection - Making Spatial Decisions Using a GIS
Anne Graham, Daniel Sheehan, Lisa Sweeney
Mon Jan 30, 02-03:30pm, 37-312

Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 20 participants.
Single session event
Prereq: Athena account. Previous experience using ArcGIS.

Learn to select a location based on a variety of data types and  
perform analysis using tools provided in ArcGIS.
Web: http://libraries.mit.edu/gis/teach/iap2006.html
Contact: Register by sending email with IAP in the subject line to,  
gishelp at mit.edu
Sponsor: Libraries
Cosponsor: Information Services and Technology


GIS: Advanced ArcGIS
Lisa Sweeney, Daniel Sheehan, Anne Graham
Tue Jan 31, 02-05:00pm, 37-312

Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 20 participants.
Single session event
Prereq: Athena account. Previous experience using ArcGIS.

This class is a smorgasbord of advanced techniques, including  
learning to create and edit your own data and using ArcScene to  
visualize data in 3D.
Web: http://libraries.mit.edu/gis/teach/iap2006.html
Contact: Register by sending email with IAP in the subject line to,  
gishelp at mit.edu
Sponsor: Libraries
Cosponsor: Information Services and Technology


GIS: Programming in ArcGIS
Daniel Sheehan, Lisa Sweeney, Anne Graham
Wed Feb 1, 02-05:00pm, 37-312

Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 20 participants.
Single session event
Prereq: Athena account. Previous experience using ArcGIS.

If you ever find yourself doing the same sequence of commands in  
ArcGIS, you probably should think of automating the process. Learn to  
use VBA to control ArcGIS.
Web: http://libraries.mit.edu/gis/teach/iap2006.html
Contact: Register by sending email with IAP in the subject line to,  
gishelp at mit.edu
Sponsor: Information Services and Technology
Cosponsor: Libraries


GIS: Programming Neighborhood Searches in ArcGIS
Daniel Sheehan
Thu Feb 2, 02-05:00pm, GIS Lab 7-238, Rotch Library

Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 3 participants.
Single session event

This class takes you through a complex programming process. You will  
search for neighbors of sites you are interested in. You should be  
well-versed in GIS and be comfortable programming in VB or VBA.
Web: http://libraries.mit.edu/gis/teach/iap2006.html
Contact: Register by sending email with IAP in the subject line to,  
gishelp at mit.edu
Sponsor: Information Services and Technology
Cosponsor: Libraries


Introduction to Mathematica (continued from last week)
Violeta Ivanova (sessions 1, 4, and 5), W. C. Carter (sessions 2 and 3)
Mon Jan 23, Interface and Basics
Wed Jan 25, Numeric and Symbolic Applications
Fri Jan 27, Linear Algebra and Calculus
Mon Jan 30, Graphics
Wed Feb 1, Programming
02-04:00pm, 1-115

Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 06-Jan-2006
Limited to 25 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)

Five two-hour sessions. Hands on training in the Mathematica  
software, covering its interface and its use for algebra, calculus,  
graphics, and programming.
Web: http://web.mit.edu/violeta/www/IAP2006
Contact: Violeta Ivanova, N42-250j, x2-1383, violeta at mit.edu
Sponsor: Information Services and Technology


Better Teaching @ MIT
Dr. Lori Breslow, Director, Teaching and Learning Laboratory
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: none

A series of lunchtime workshops designed to help MIT instructors  
teach better. We'll talk to some of MIT’s best teachers about how  
they teach, get some advise on teamwork from MIT coaches, look at how  
to engage students in productive classroom discussion, and other  
topics. Workshops are open to all members of the MIT community.
Web: http://web.mit.edu/tll
Contact: Alberta Lipson, 5-122, x3-8604, lipson at mit.edu
Sponsor: Teaching and Learning Lab

Tech's Top Teachers Talk Turkey
Dr. Lori Breslow, Moderator
This year's Better Teaching series kicks off with a session in which  
some of MIT's best teachers—
both faculty and teaching assistants—talk about how to teach well.
Mon Jan 30, 12-01:00pm, 9-151

Special Considerations for Teaching in the Multicultural Classroom
Jane Dunphy, Director, English Language Studies
MIT's cultural diversity is an exciting resource. If handled  
sensitively, it can enrich the Institute's educational and  
intellectual life. Handled poorly, it can present an obstacle to  
productive participation of MIT students. Here, we will discuss  
strategies to increase understanding and effective management of the  
multicultural class room.
Tue Jan 31, 12-01:00pm, 9-151

Planning and Running Recitations
Lori Breslow, Ph.D.
Do you want to create a classroom environment that encourages student  
questioning, discussion, and real-time experimentation? This session  
will look at ways to get students talking, doing things, and learning  
both from you and each another.
Wed Feb 1, 12-01:00pm, 9-151

Coaches Teach the Teachers
Lori Breslow, Ph.D., Moderator
Many of the skills athletic coaches use in working with their players  
are skills that teachers can and should use to help students learn.  
Come hear what MIT’s award-winning coaches can tell us about  
motivating and teaching them to work in teams.
Thu Feb 2, 12-01:00pm, 9-151

How to Speak
Professor Patrick Winston
Every instructor needs to present his or her material in an  
enthusiastic, positive, coherent way to reach students effectively.  
Information must be conveyed in a relaxed, honest, and focused manner  
and be clear enough to be understood. MIT's legendary Patrick Winston  
presents his renowned session on how to do just that!
Fri Feb 3, 12-01:00pm, 32-155
Latest update: 29-Nov-2005

Violeta Ivanova, Ph.D.
Educational Technology Consultant
MIT Information Services & Technology

violeta at mit.edu

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