[Crosstalk] New ways to stay in touch with the Stellar community

Jean Foster jfoster at MIT.EDU
Tue Nov 15 09:42:49 EST 2005

The Stellar Community is steadily growing (462 class websites to date  
in fall ’05), and there are now three new options for keeping abreast  
of Stellar developments or connecting with Stellar users:

Stellar Community email list
Sign up for the Stellar Community list if you would like to  
communicate with others who are using a Stellar website. It’s a good  
place to ask questions of other users and share best practices.

Stellar News page
Visit the Stellar News page regularly to learn about the latest  
developments. To receive updates automatically, sign up for email  
updates or subscribe to an RSS feed. (Paste this URL into your RSS  
reader: http://amps-tools.mit.edu/stellar-news/index.rdf)

Stellar Roadmap
Stellar Roadmap is a wiki that the development team uses to collect  
ideas and suggestions gathered from various sources and discuss  
possible new features for upcoming software releases. Follow the  
discussion at http://confab.mit.edu/confluence/display/STLR/Roadmap.

The Stellar Support Team

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