[Crib-list] SPEAKER: Nathaniel Trask (Brown) Computational Research in Boston and Beyond Seminar (CRIBB) -- Friday, Feb, 5, 2016 --TIME: 12:00 Noon in Building 32, Room 124 (Stata)
Shirley Entzminger
daisymae at math.mit.edu
Tue Feb 2 19:53:05 EST 2016
DATE: Friday, February 5, 2016
TIME: 12:00 PM 1:00 PM
LOCATION: Building 32, Room 124 (Stata) -- (32 Vassar Street)
(Pizza will be provided at 11:45 AM outside Room 32-124.)
TITLE: Compatible meshless discretization through
SPEAKER: Nathaniel Trask (Brown University)
Meshless methods provide an ideal framework for scalably simulating
problems involving boundaries undergoing large deformation or interfaces
between multiple materials. Discretization points may be moved in a
Lagrangian fashion without the need for either costly mesh topology
updates or diffuse Eulerian treatment of interfaces. Of the range of
meshless discretizations available, there is a distinct lack of methods
that maintain a sense of compatibility while simultaneously achieving
high-order accuracy. In this talk, we present a new discretization that
generalizes staggered primal/dual discretizations to unstructured point
sets. Using only the epsilon-neighborhood graph of discretization points
and solving inexpensive optimization problems, we construct divergence and
gradient operators that mimic the algebraic structure of
compatiblemesh-based discretizations. When applied to a model div-grad
diffusion problem, we obtain high-order convergence for smooth solutions
and observe monotone fluxes for problems with discontinuous material
properties. We then present a new mixed meshless discretization for the
Stokes equations, using a divergence-free moving least squares method for
velocity and staggered moving least squares for the pressure. This
approach achieves equal order convergence for both velocity and pressure,
making it ideal for simulating problems in dense suspension flows
dominated by lubrication forces. We finally assemble the Stokes solver, a
Poisson-Boltzmann solver based on the staggered scheme, and a 6-DOF solver
for colloid dynamics together into a monolithic, fully implicit scheme
that we use to study electrophoretic suspensions. By using auxiliary space
algebraic multigrid preconditioning to solve the resulting system, we
obtain an efficient, robust, and highly accurate new tool for studying
these problems in complex geometries.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139
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