[ASA-Official] Re-Recognition | New Group Applications | Bulletin Board Applications | Midway Feedback
Jessica Giang
jgiang at mit.edu
Mon Sep 26 19:08:14 EDT 2022
Dear Student Group Leaders,
Please read the following announcements carefully:
* Group Re-Recognition Updates
* Fall New Group Applications
* Private Bulletin Board Application
* Midway Feedback
Group Re-Recognition Updates
Please note the following updates on the group re-recognition process.
Due to internal delays, the ASA board has not yet been able to send out constitution feedback. However, now that all 200+ constitutions submitted by the initial deadline have been evaluated and processed, we can provide feedback to groups. Feedback for all groups whose constitutions were rejected will be visible in this document <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Xq1kvWxDxATaUhvauxtTBZoXQvW31-96vYBQxP82MEg/edit?usp=sharing> by September 27 at 06:00 am ET, which will list the reasons for constitution rejection for each group. Please look over the feedback carefully, and follow the procedures outlined in the resubmission form <https://cglink.me/2cy/s256>. If your group has questions, concerns, or would like clarification on a reason for rejection, please email <asa-constitutions at mit.edu<mailto:asa-constitutions at mit.edu>>, including the relevant group name in the subject line.
The new deadline for constitution resubmission is Monday, October 31 at 11:59 PM ET. If your group would need an extension past this deadline, please reach out to <asa-constitutions at mit.edu<mailto:asa-constitutions at mit.edu>> outlining the reasons for an extension and for further discussion.
We kindly ask that you take the time to look over the reasons for rejection and ASA constitution requirements <https://asa.mit.edu/start-group/constitution-requirements> carefully prior to resubmission. Submissions that are identical to the original submission will not be considered as valid submissions, and will be treated as if there was no resubmission.
Late Submissions
Late submissions will no longer be accepted. The constitution tracker <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19ihnE3yyx6a-vOShaMaht16F-cbnD4AiS0fmz6TGKY4/edit?usp=sharing> will be updated with the final submissions within 24 hours of this announcement being sent out. If you believe that your group has completed a section that is marked as FALSE, we request that you wait until the tracker updates before emailing the ASA board. Following this 24 hour period, please verify that all submissions your group thinks have been submitted have been recorded. If this is not the case, please email <asa-groups at mit.edu<mailto:asa-groups at mit.edu>>, so that we can resolve the issue.
We would like to thank everybody for your patience and cooperation during this re-recognition cycle. If you have any other questions or require assistance, please email <asa-groups at mit.edu<mailto:asa-groups at mit.edu>>.
Fall New Group Applications
If you are interested in starting a new group, the ASA is currently accepting applications to be reviewed at the start of the new semester. The deadline for submission is October 15, 2022 at 11:59 PM. The application can be found here <https://cglink.me/2cy/s248>, and more information about the process can be found on our New Group Application Page <https://asa.mit.edu/start-group/new-group-application>. After submitting the application, please await contact from either ASA or SOLE.
Please note that applications may take several weeks before being reviewed depending on the volume of submissions. If you have any questions about the group you would like to start or the application process, make sure that you have read all of the information on the group application process <http://asa.mit.edu/start-group>, guidelines on what privileges ASA groups receive <https://asa.mit.edu/group-privileges>, and then email <asa-groups at mit.edu<mailto:asa-groups at mit.edu>> with any further questions.
Private Bulletin Board Application
If your group would like to have a private ASA bulletin board for the next two years (either by maintaining a previous space or by applying for a new one), please submit this application by 11:59 PM on October 14, 2022. <https://cglink.me/2cy/s247>.
Midway Feedback
Do you have any feedback about how Midway was run this Fall? Please fill out this anonymous survey <https://cglink.me/2cy/s258>.
Please feel free to email <asa-exec at mit.edu> with any requests, questions, or other inquiries.
The ASA Executive Board
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