[ASA-Official] [ASA Official] ASA Fall Space Applications Due November 16th, Database updates, LEF/ARCADE allocations and ASA subcomittees
Daniel B Sheen
dsheen at mit.edu
Fri Nov 2 12:36:40 EDT 2018
Dear Student Group Leaders,
Please take note of the following announcements:
1. ASA Recruitment - Join the ASA Board!
2. 2019-2020 Group Space Applications (due Nov. 16th)
3. New Engage Database and Updating of Rosters (due Nov. 30th)
4. LEF/ARCADE Allocations
5. ASA Office Hours
(1) ASA Recruitment - Join the ASA Board!
The ASA is currently recruiting student representatives for the Committee on Funding, the Committee on Groups, and the Committee on Space Allocations. To apply, submit this form<https://goo.gl/forms/cfKFOovjydcxEwQJ2> <https://goo.gl/forms/cfKFOovjydcxEwQJ2>. The full description for open positions can be found here <https://goo.gl/4iuZD1>.
Please contact <asa-exec at mit.edu<mailto:asa-exec at mit.edu>> for more information.
(2) 2019-2020 Group Space Applications
The form to apply for Space for 2019-2020 is live <https://engage.mit.edu/submitter/form/start/232691>. As announced at the ASA GBM, all Student Groups that currently have office or storage space or wish to apply for space MUST fill out this form by November 16th. Groups that do not apply will not receive space allocations for the coming year.
(3) New Engage Database and Updating of Rosters (due Nov. 30th)
As mentioned at the GBM, the old database, CampusGroups (asa.mit.edu), has been phased out as of Oct. 31st. All information has been transferred from the old database. Please log in to the new database at engage.mit.edu<https://engage.mit.edu/> and ensure the group rosters and officer positions are accurate. This will ensure that group leadership can be verified and has proper access. Please also note that official emails will no longer be sent to exec mailing lists, but to officers listed in the database. The deadline for updating and verifying information is Nov. 30th.
We appreciate your patience and participation in this transition. Please direct any questions you might have to engage at mit.edu<mailto:engage at mit.edu>.
(4) LEF/ARCADE Allocations
LEF/ARCADE allocations for the Fall funding cycle have been posted to the ASA website here <web.mit.edu/asa/resources/pdf/LEF-ARCADE/FY19FA.pdf<http://web.mit.edu/asa/resources/pdf/LEF-ARCADE/FY19FA.pdf>>.
Applications for the Winter Cycle (Jan-Mar 2019) are due December 1st.
(5) ASA Office Hours
The ASA President is currently holding office hours Mondays 3:15pm-4:00pm and Fridays 12:00pm-12:45pm. Email the ASA President <asa-president at mit.edu<mailto:asa-president at mit.edu>> by at least 10:00pm the day before to confirm location.
There are no office hours on Student Holidays. There will be no office hours Friday November 2nd.
Please feel free to email <asa-exec at mit.edu> with any requests, questions, or other inquiries.
The ASA Executive Board
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