[ASA-Official] CPW Midway survey, Postering violations, CAC updates

Jiwon Kim jiwonk at mit.edu
Tue May 5 22:56:53 EDT 2015

Dear Student Group Leaders,

Please take note of the following announcements:

(1) Midway thank you and survey
(2) Postering violations
(3) Updates from CAC


(1) Midway thank you and survey

A huge thank you to all of the groups for making this year’s midway
such a success! It was great to see Rockwell packed with so many
energetic groups and prefrosh. It was a pleasure to work with all of
you and I hope the midway was a rewarding experience for all involved.
In addition, thank you for bearing with any delays in performance
times and/or technical difficulties. We’d really appreciate it if you
could fill out this survey regarding changes to venue, performance
issues, and others:

If you have any questions that cannot be answered through the form,
please email <asa-midway at mit.edu>.


(2) Postering violations

As a reminder, the ASA has rules for both public bulletin board space
and the bulletin board space it assigns to groups.  A full list of
postering and chalking rules can be found here
<http://web.mit.edu/asa/publicity/public-advertising-space.html> and
here <http://web.mit.edu/asa/resources/bulletin-board-alloc.html>. The
warning-and-fine system is strictly enforced. For example, postering
outside of designated areas results in an immediate fine without a
warning, as is taking down other groups’ posters in assigned areas.
We encourage all groups to re-read the rules to make sure they are
following them.

If you have any questions, please email <asa-postering at mit.edu>.


(3) Updates from CAC

(a) We will be touring the student spaces on the W20 4th floor on 5/13
from 4-4:30 PM. We will be checking the spaces for overcrowding,
facility issues, and things like lighter fluid, propane, or other
safety issues.

(b) Work with Campus Activities This Summer! Want to work in a fun,
fast paced office this summer assisting people in their event
planning? Want to get experience in an office setting, sharpening your
people skills to prepare you for the “real world”? Want a little extra
money for enjoying the summer in Boston? The Campus Activities Complex
(CAC) is looking for front desk workers to assist in greeting
clientele in person and on the phone, learn our event scheduling
software and process virtual space applications, and general projects
as needed. Interested? Sent your resume to <aarond at mit.edu>.

(c) Check out the Spring 2015 Campus Activities Complex Newsletter,
Learn more about the restorations/renovations, CAC programs, and other


Please feel free to email <asa-exec at mit.edu> with any requests,
questions, or other inquiries.


The ASA Executive Board

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