[ASA-Official] GBM follow-up, Bulletin Board Applications, CAC space reservations
Rachel E Meyer
remeyer at MIT.EDU
Wed Dec 8 16:31:09 EST 2010
Dear Student Group Officers,
Please take note of the following announcements:
1. General Body Meeting follow up
2. Student Group Bulletin Board Allocations
3. CAC space reservations
1. General Body Meeting follow up
The slides and minutes from the General Body Meeting on November 3rd have
been posted at http://web.mit.edu/asa/about/meeting-notes.html.
Please look at the check-in cards which you received and make sure you
have resolved any warnings listed there. The appropriate action to take
and people to contact regarding each warning are in the slides and
If you no longer have your check-in cards and would like the info from
them, then email us at asa-exec at mit.edu. If no one from your group was at
the meeting, then please refer to the email sent to your groups. Those
instructions and a list of the groups that were absent is at:
2. Student Group Bulletin Board Allocations
The ASA will be conducting allocations of bulletin board space this year.
If your group is interested in having a bulletin board, you must fill out
the short application at
Even if you already have a board, you must fill out this application.
Groups which currently have been allocated bulletin board space will lose
that space if they do not reapply.
The deadline to submit this application is Sunday, January 2, 2011 at
The results of allocations will be published by the end of IAP. The new
allocations will take effect at the beginning of spring semester, with an
exact date to be determined by the Board.
If you have any questions, please email asa-exec at mit.edu (publicly
archived) list or asa-boards at mit.edu (not archived).
3. CAC Opening the books
Reservations for Campus Activities Complex (CAC) spaces are now open for
the July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 period. CAC spaces include the Student
Center, Kresge, and Walker event and meeting spaces.
This is the time for your group to book:
-Cultural Events
-Weekly Meeting Space
You can currently make limited reservations through your Virtual-EMS
account and unlimited reservations starting 12/13. If you do not have a
group account setup, then you should go by CAC - W20-500. More details
are at http://web.mit.edu/asa/docs/Opening_of_the_Books_2010.pdf
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jennifer Smith from
CAC at jbsmith at mit.edu.
Please feel free to email asa-exec at mit.edu with any requests, questions,
or other inquiries.
The ASA Executive Board
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