[Asa-official] LEF/ARCADE Application Deadline September 22nd

ASA Treasurer asa-treasurer at MIT.EDU
Fri Sep 15 00:45:58 EDT 2006

Dear Student Groups,

My apologies for the delay in sending this email.  We had some difficulties
updating the LEF/ARCADE webpage and I needed to wait for new LEF guidelines
to be posted.  (The website is now updated.)

The deadline to submit for events occurring between September 15th and
December 31st, 2006 is next Friday, September 22nd.  Again, I apologize for
the short notice.

The applications are available on our website at:
Any ASA recognized group can apply.

Please remember to submit *EIGHT* copies to the SLP Office in W20-549.

PLEASE NOTE: In an attempt to better allocate the resources of the Large
Event Fund, we are trying to shift the focus from allocating very little
money to many events to now allocating more money to fewer quality events.
I have updated the website listed above to provide a more in-depth
explanation of these policies and to hopefully clear up previous
misunderstandings surrounding previous policies.

To better adhere to these new policies, the Board will be awarding a minimum
of $2500 per event, or nothing at all, for this LEF funding cycle.  ARCADE
will not have a minimum limit.

If you have any questions, please send them to me at asa-treasurer at mit.edu.

James R. Peacock IV

Treasurer, Association of Student Activities
Chairman, LEF and ARCADE Funding Boards

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