[WebPub] [ABCD-W3] December Meeting Announcement and other news

Ed Carlevale ecarl at mit.edu
Mon Nov 27 17:29:16 EST 2017

Donna and Raman,

Thank you for your many years of leading the Harvard WebPub W3 group. You’ve been heroes from jump street — open, engaged,  professional. I wish you all the best.



Ed Carlevale
Assistant Director, Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory
For Environmental Science and Engineering, MIT
Bldg-Rm 48-216F; (617) 253-6569

On Nov 27, 2017, at 3:32 PM, Tremonte, Donna <dtremont at oeb.harvard.edu<mailto:dtremont at oeb.harvard.edu>> wrote:

In addition, we would like to welcome JaZahn Clevenger and Arti Sharma as our two newest co-chairs. Donna Tremonte and Raman Prasad are stepping down from W3, and we wish them all the best.

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