[Webpub] cool video, web 2.0 explained

Lisa Mayer lmayer at MIT.EDU
Wed Feb 7 12:42:41 EST 2007

Cool video: Web 2.0 explained
February 7th, 2007

Check out this cool video explaining Web 2.0 created by Michael  
Wesch, assistant Cultural Anthropology Professor at Kansas State  
Usability. As explained by BoingBoing:
“[Professor Wesch] has strung together a bunch of animations, text,  
and screenshots in order to tell the story of “Web 2.0″ — and  
why it matters, and how it’s changing the world. This is as starry- 
eyed as techno-optimism gets, and it might just choke you up a  
little, if you care about this stuff.”

This posting is saved on our blog at https://wilco.mit.edu/webpub/?p=6

Lisa Mayer :: Consultant
DCAD :: Database Development Services
MIT :: Information Services & Technology
lmayer at mit.edu :: 617-452-4225

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