[TCCM] Join MIT Catholic Leadership: Help our Community Grow in Faith & Fellowship

Aria R Eppinger ariaepp at mit.edu
Mon Nov 21 20:41:25 EST 2022

Dinners, dances, socials, lectures, … the MIT Tech Catholic Community (TCC) has so much to offer. If you love all our offerings, consider joining our TCC Council to help plan, organize, and facilitate our events.

Positions are open in the following committees of TCC Council:

  *   Fellowship: plan and organize all our social events. You can focus on a specific event like weekly Spaghetti Suppers, or monthly parties, or do a mixture of both

  *   Formation:

     *   Education: Allow MIT students to cultivate their knowledge of Catholicism. Plan educational and intellectual events including talks given by local clergy and professors, Thomistic Institute-sponsored talks, and Q&A sessions about our Catholic faith.

     *   Service: Organize community service events that allow students to aid their local community and be an instrument of God's love for those who are most in need.

  *   Outreach: Help spread the word about Catholicism on campus and make people feel welcome at our events

  *   Liturgical: Encourage our community to grow in devotion to prayer through prayer events such as weekly rosaries

General responsibilities include attending a monthly, 1-hour TCC council meeting and actively participating in the MIT Catholic Community including attending Sunday Mass and TCC events :)

Undergrad and Grad students welcome! (Other non-student community members are also welcome to join.) Questions, thoughts, want to get involved? Please email ariaepp at mit.edu or message Aria on slack by Dec. 8th.

Have a blessed evening!

Aria Eppinger
Class of 2024
Computer Science and Molecular Biology
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

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