[TCCM] Events for the Week of 4/15

Joe Pokora jpokora at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 18 16:24:36 EDT 2007

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TCC Events for the Week of 4/15

- Graduate Scripture Studies

- Mass Times
- Eucharistic Adoration
- Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Monday Nights
- Graduate Scripture Study

- 8th Annual Earth Day Charles River Cleanup

- Friday Evenings of Lent at St. Clement's

Sign-ups and one-time events

- Graduate Scripture Studies
Graduate Scripture Studies this Wednesday, April 18th will be in 4-144 
at 6pm. It will return to W11 small dining room the following week.

Ongoing Events

- Mass Times
Mass is held Tuesdays and Fridays when classes are in session at 12:05
in the MIT Chapel and on Sunday at 9:30 am, 1:00 pm, and 5:00 pm in the
MIT Chapel.

- Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic Adoration on Wednesday evenings 7-8pm in the MIT Chapel.

- Sacrament of Reconciliation
For those interested in receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation, Fr.
Clancy is offering regular hours for confessions on Wednesday evenings
from approximately 7-8pm (during Eucharistic Exposition) in the lower
level of the chapel. For more information, please contact Fr. Clancy at
clancyrf at comcast.net

- Monday Nights
Monday night dinner and a speaker or social is held in the W11 Main
Dining Room from 7-9pm. Contact Pat Engel (engelp at mit.edu) or Joe Papp
(jcpapp at mit.edu) for topic ideas or more info.
** Apr 09 - (Easter Monday) Sr. M. Caterine Esseline (Sisters of Our Lady
** Apr 23 - TBA
** Apr 30 - Ann Orlando "The Church and the scientific revolution of the
17th century"
** May 07 - Sr. Susan Frederick, Sisters of the Presentation of Mary, on
Psalms and prayer practices
** May 14 - Game night

- Graduate Scripture Study
Father Clancy will lead the Graduate Scripture Study group this
semester.  We will meet Wednesdays at 6pm.
4/18 - 4-144
4/25 - W11 SDR
5/2 - W11 SDR
5/9 - 4-144
5/16 - W11 SDR

Volunteer Opportunities

- 8th Annual Earth Day Charles River Cleanup
You're probably looking for a great way to celebrate Earth Day, right?
Here's a Great one- come volunteer with your TCC friends to clean up the
Charles River! Earth Day Charles River Cleanup will take place on April
21 from 9am to Noon. Details (where we'll meet, etc) are forthcoming, so
Mark your calendars and RSVP to Dave, dhcrusoe at gmail.com, if you plan to

Non-TCC Events (Catholic and Interdenominational)

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