[TCCM] Events for the Week of 11/19

Joe Pokora jpokora at MIT.EDU
Tue Nov 21 11:45:01 EST 2006

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TCC Events for the Week of 11/19

- No Mass Friday  Nov 24
- Enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner with TCC

- Mass Times
- Eucharistic Adoration
- Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Monday Nights
- Graduate Scripture Study

- The Gift of Sexuality: John Paul II's Thology of the Body
- St. John's Seminary's Festival of Lessons and Carols
- "A Feminist Catholic Defense of Controversial Church Teaching"

Sign-ups and one-time events

- No Mass Friday Nov 24
No mass due to Thanksgiving Holiday. Happy and safe travels!

- Enjoy Thanksgiving Dinner with TCC
We wil be enjoying turkey plus fixings from 4-8pm in McCormick Country
Kitchen! Everyone is welcome! Dinner is free thanks to the GSC Funding
Board. A home-cooked potluck style meal is planned, so if you would like
to bring a dish serving 6-8 people, contact Elizabeth (e_basha at mit.edu).
You will be reimbursed. You do not have to bring anything to enjoy the
food. Please RSVP to Elizabeth by 11/21 to guarentee we have enough food.

Ongoing Events

- Mass Times
Mass is held Tuesdays and Fridays when classes are in session at 12:05
in the MIT Chapel and on Sunday at 9:30 am, 1:00 pm, and 5:00 pm in the
MIT Chapel.

- Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic Adoration on Wednesday evenings 7-8pm in the MIT Chapel.

- Sacrament of Reconciliation
For those interested in receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation, Fr.
Clancy is offering regular hours for confessions on Wednesday evenings
from approximately 7-8pm (during Eucharistic Exposition) in the lower
level of the chapel. For more information, please contact Fr. Clancy at
clancyrf at comcast.net

- Monday Nights
Monday night pasta plus is held in the W11 Main Dining Room from 7-9pm
and includes dinner.
** Nov 20 - TBA
** Nov 27 - TBA

- Graduate Scripture Study
Father Clancy will lead the Graduate Scripture Study group in exploring
Romans and Galatians this semester.  We will meet Wednesdays at 6pm. 
11/22 & 11/29 are in W11 SDR.

Volunteer Opportunities

Non-TCC Events (Catholic and Interdenominational)

- St. John's Seminary's Festival of Lessons and Carols
The students, faculty, and staff of Saint John's Seminary invite the
public to their Second Annual Festival of Lessons and Carols. The
concert will be at 7:30 pm on Saturday, December 2, and 3:00 pm on Sunday,
December 3, at Saint John's Chapel. The concert will include the
Seminary Schola and The Girls Chamber Choir from the New England
Conservatory Preparatory School. All are welcome.
St. John's Seminary is located at 127 Lake Street in Brighton.  For 
please visit http://sjs.edu.

- The Gift of Sexuality: John Paul II's Thology of the Body
A day-long conference for women. For more information contact Emily 
Brennan at 616 304-6058 or erbren06 at gmail.com

- "A Feminist Catholic Defense of Controversial Church Teaching"
November 30, 2006
Wellsley campus
her website:
Contact Dee A. Garrahan [mailto:dgarraha at wellesley.edu] for more info.

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