[TCCM] TCC needs HELP for the Charles River Clean Up...contact Xanat <xanatf@mit.edu>

paul reynolds paulreynolds at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 26 19:14:49 EDT 2006

TCC needs HELP for the Charles River Clean Up...reply to <xanatf at mit.edu>


We have very few sign-ups for the Charles River Earth day and was wondering
if any of you could help out.

If time commitment is an issue, don't worry, we will be there from 9:30am to
12pm but you can come in any time, or leave any time. 

If you can come and join us, even for an hour, it would be very much
appreciated. I need to send a list of participants by tomorrow to get the
no. of shirts to be delivered to us, so if you can make it, or if you know
of any one interested, please send me and e-mail with your T-shirt size and 

I will give you the details of where to meet.

Thanks a lot!



TCC needs HELP for the Charles River Clean Up...reply to <xanatf at mit.edu>

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