[TCCM] Events for the Week of 4/23

Joe Pokora jpokora at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 24 03:05:09 EDT 2006

This is MIT's Tech Catholic Community's (TCC) weekly email.
To unsubscribe use the list web page:
For up-to-date information: http://web.mit.edu/tcc/www/

TCC Events for the Week of 4/23

- Transformed by Easter

- Monday Nights
- TCC's "RCIA/Confirmation" Group
- Graduate Student Scripture Study
- Undergraduate Scripture Study
- Interdenominational Scripture Study
- Eucharistic Exposition- Weekday Masses
- Getting Married?
- Baptizing a Child?/Becoming a Godparent?

- Volunteering?
- Walk for Hunger with TCC
- Charles River Earth Day

- MIT and YCT Catholic Connection
- Addir Fellows: MIT Interfaith Dialogue Program

Sign-ups and one-time events

- Transformed by Easter
Christian history reaches its crecendo point in the resurrection of 
Jesus. The risen Jesus is the final revelation of the Heart of God-a God 
who teaches love rather than hate, forgiveness rather than blame, 
nonviolence rather than violence.

The resurrection of Jesus tells us that there is no victory through 
domination, there is no such thing as triumph by force, by His life, 
death, and resurrection Jesus stops the cycle of violence and challenges 
the notion of dominating power. This is a power that seeks to change 
things from the top down, from the outside in. Instead, Jesus invites us 
to relational or spiritual power, where we are not just changed but 
transformed. And not transformed from the top down but from the bottom 
up, not from the outside in but from the inside out.

We see in Jesus the Divine Being who is also the perfect Human Being. 
Jesus comes in a human body to show us the face of God, the One who is 
eternally compassionate and eternally joyous, who stands with us in our 
sufferings and our joys. As Christians, our vocation is to unite with 
both Christ crucified and Christ Risen

Ongoing Events

- Monday Nights
** Apr 24 - Dinner & Fr. Gene Pistacchio (the Franciscan charism)
** May  1 - Dinner & "Secular" Franciscans, Carmelites, & Cistercians 
(Kathy and Jack Sheridan, Mary-Rity O'Shea, Joseph Patchett, Mary Finnigan)
Contact Brian Pate <bpate at mit.edu> for details and programming ideas.

- TCC's "RCIA/Confirmation" Group
Gathers Sunday at 4:00 pm in W11 Board Room. Stop by if you have
questions about adult Baptism or Confirmation.

- Graduate Student Scripture Study - RESUMES 2/22
Wednesday 6:30 - 8:00pm at St. Mary's Rectory
Join us this semester as we discuss the Gospel of Mark with Father Fred,
the pastor of St Mary's parish!  All you need is your bible!  St. Mary's
is at 134 Norfolk Street, near Central Square.  We will meet at 6:15pm
in Lobby 7 to walk over together.
Email e_basha at mit.edu for more information

- Undergraduate Scripture Study
This Bible Study meets on Thursdays at 8:30 in McCormick. It usually
runs for about an hour. The format of the study is basically reading,
meditating on, and discussing the Gospel for the following Sunday's Mass
during the first part, and then either listening to or reading something
of Catholic interest and discussing it.
Mailing list: compass-pe
For more info contact: joel_f at mit.edu

- Interdenominational Scripture Study
Interested in discussing Scripture with other Catholics and non-Catholic
Christians? This study chooses topics in advance about which Catholics
and other Christians usually disagree and then seeks to come to a better
understanding of these through Scripture as well as readings from the
early Church Fathers. It meets every other Thursday in W11 starting 10/6
from 7 -8:30pm.
Mailing list: tcc-ibs
For more information contact: joel_f at mit.edu

- Eucharistic Exposition
Join us Tuesday and Wednesday at 7:00pm for Eucharistic Adoration in the
For more information contact: mkward at mit.edu

- Weekday Masses
Join us for Mass Tuesday & Friday from 12:05 to ~12:35 in the Chapel.

- Getting Married?
Congratulations! Please talk to Fr. Paul as soon as possible to arrange
weddings here at MIT or to complete marriage prep and paperwork for
weddings happening outside of our community.

- Baptizing a Child?/Becoming a Godparent?
TCC loves to welcome children! Contact Fr. Paul to arrange baptisms here
at MIT or to receive help preparing for the sacrament outside of our

Volunteer Opportunities

- Volunteering?
Contact F. Paul @ catholic at mit.edu for suggestions and listings!
"The Christ Connection": A part-time volunteer directory of
opportunities in the Boston area
"Connections 2004": A longer-term volunteer directory of opportunities
in the U.S. and abroad

- Walk for Hunger with TCC
Sunday, May 7
**Coordinator Needed. Talk to Fr. Paul**
* Organize our TCC walkers... and more than 3 decades of concerned
citizens feeding people and nourishing hope
* By organizing our team, you can help put food on the tables of the
neediest citizens of our state
* Got To: <projectbread.org/walker_reg> and choose "TCC" from the drop
down menu. Talk to Fr. Paul if you would like to organize TCC to walk

- Charles River Earth Day
Prepare the way...For a beautiful spring
Come along with TCC as we join hands with "Charles River Earth Day"
Saturday, April 29 from 9:00am - 12:00pm
Sign-up in chapel or cantact Xanat (xanatf at mit.edu) for details

Non-TCC Events (Catholic and Interdenominational)

- MIT and YCT Catholic Connection
Join a catholic message board with students from MIT and Yaba College of
Technology in Nigeria. Discuss issues of faith or just meet new people.
Email Joel <joel_f at mit.edu>, Tony <tonyk at mit.edu>, or Paul
<pelliott at mit.edu> to join.

- Addir Fellows: MIT Interfaith Dialogue Program
The Addir Fellows Program brings together 30 students of different
faiths to engage and understand each other in a stimulating environment.
_If you are interested in:_
* Enhancing inter-group relations on campus
* Preparing to lead in a diverse global community
* Learning about the foundations of the Abrahamic faiths
* Developing campus-wide programs
then you should apply!
Fellow requirements:_
* MIT undergraduate or graduate student through May 2007
* Muslims, Jews and Christians will form the core participants, other
faiths welcome
* Eight hours each month for Addir seminars and projects
Find out more, download the application: http://web.mit.edu/dsl/addir.html_
/Applications due Monday, April 24, 2006
Questions?  addir-admin at mit.edu/

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