[Tango-A] [TANGO A] NA-E: Community Milonga of Ann Arbor Michigan - Milonga Del Verano II - Saturday, August 13th, DJ: Patricia Greve - Lesson with Avik Basu and Patricia Greve

Marco Bruschtein mbruscht at gmail.com
Fri Aug 26 17:50:51 EDT 2011

Hola Tangueros,

Come dance with us =-)
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Community Milonga: Milonga Del Verano III
Saturday, September 10th
Class: 8:30pm - 9:30pm
Milonga 9:30pm - 1:20am

-Class only -> $7.00
-Class + Milonga -> Students $10.00/Everybody else $15.00
-Milonga only -> Students $7.00/Everybody else $10.00

1917 Wastenaw Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
(On the corner of Washtenaw Ave. and Berkshire Rd. Entrance on Berkshire.)

Michigan's Biggest Monthly Milonga!
DJ: Patricia Greve
Teachers: Avik Basu and Patricia Greve
Host: Marco Bruschtein

MAP: http://tinyurl.com/obv25r


Any questions?  Email Marco at communitymilonga at gmail.com

Please spread the word and stay posted for the next Community Milonga.



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