[Tango-A] NA-E: NYC Sun. Esmeralda's:Milonga Class at Milonga

Lucille Krasne lukrasne at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 18 14:06:48 EDT 2008

Sunday SEPT 21--- at Session 73-THE genuine tango party! TRUE!
Dance from 7:30 to 12:30 or until everyone leaves!!!

YESIM does double-duty....DJ and as teacher of MILONGA, THE RHYTHM!
Expect more beautiful music...AND
You are okey dokey in tango and vals, shaky in MILONGA---HELP IS ON THE WAY!
YESIM will help you in a MILONGA class --join her--she is a master of this
dance rhythm. She has studied with the masters in Buenos Aires and NY.
Beginners with Me-- BOTH classes at 6:30
(Jean returns next week)

Tapas still served with a courtesy drink until 8:30 in the café or outside!
Kitchen open until 12.....Bar open late.
$10 admission includes classes


Lucille Krasne  Ph: 212 777 6053
Session 73 Ph: 212 517 4445
Session 73, 73 and 1st Ave. SW corner

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