[Tango-A] NA-E: PATangoS 7th Anniversary with Special Guest Daniel Trenner - Jan. 9-11

Trini y Sean (PATangoS) patangos at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 14 04:01:45 EST 2008

PATangoS 7th Anniversary with Special Guest Daniel Trenner
We are extraordinarily pleased to announce that Daniel Trenner will be joining us for our 7th Anniversary celebration, January 9-11, 2009 in Pittsburgh, PA.
Daniel Trenner needs no introduction to most of us in the world of tango.  For our newest tangueros, he is a big reason why tango has been popularized in the U.S. today.  Dancer, teacher, historian, and writer, Daniel will be here to share his tango stories through his extensive collection of videos and music.  It will be a very different event you won’t want to miss.
Daniel Trenner has been a professional dancer since 1979 and discovered tango in 1986. He founded Dance Traveler, a dance tour company, which has taken 1500 people dancing in 7 countries, including Salsa in Havana, Cuba; BttTV, a video production company with more than 100 volumes of instructional video; The Tango Catalogue, which was for seven years the source for all things tango in North America; and he has led dance workshops in more than 120 cities in 13 countries.  These projects were born out of his desire to facilitate contact between the Argentine and North American social dance communities.  His Bridge to the Tango videos are now considered important archival records by tango enthusiasts.
Daniel’s work with the Argentine tango includes dance partnerships with Rebecca Shulman, Florencia Taccetti, Elina Roldan, Anne Marie Duquette, Mariela Franganello, Cynthia Zebergs, and Zoraida Fontclara. He has studied the tango since 1986 with such notable teachers as Miguel and Nelly Balmecera, Antonio Todaro, Juan Bruno, Mingo and Esther Pugliese, Rodolfo and Maria Ceiri, Gustavo Naviera, Olga Besio, Eduardo Arquimbau, Pupi Castello & Graciela Gonzalez, Miguel Zotto, Tomi O'Connell, Pedro 'Tete' Rusconi & Sylvia Ceriani, and Maria Villalobos. 
Daniel’s background also includes a Masters in Dance from Lesley College, in Cambridge, Mass. in 1984, studies in body work and developmental movement at The School for Body Mind Centering in Amherst, Mass., a 20 year membership in the Dance New England Community, and a three year apprenticeship with Tap master Leon Collins (82-84). 
As a teacher Daniel is dedicated to social dance in both its traditional and experimental forms. He believes that dance is a vehicle for building community, and that it can be an effective tool for sustaining energy and focus in groups of all kinds.  Daniel is currently based in Northampton, MA, where he teaches tap, tango, and other forms of dance.
More on Daniel, including articles he has written about tango, can be found at www.danieltrenner.com.
Details on this very special event will be forthcoming at http://patangos.home.comcast.net/~patangos/.  Please join us.
In lieu of our own email signature, we’ll end this special announcement with Daniel’s instead.
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."
Dwight D. Eisenhower, 4/16/53


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