[Tango-A] NA-E: NYC--1st Meet the Music salon--thanks for a big success!

Lucille Krasne lukrasne at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 13 14:18:23 EDT 2007

Our first ³MEET THE MUSIC SALON² last Sunday was a marvelous success at
in large part due to Ilene Marder (a.k.a."Ilene de Woodstock") who gave us a
fine framework for listening and discussing the music of tango!

Thanks to all of you who came---it was a great group that gathered in the
back Party Room to participate! So much lively talk, interesting
contributions, so much knowledge shared generously. Thanks thanks!!

A special thanks to Dario Mendiguren, who along with Daniela Pucci and Luis
Bianchi---those charming and beautiful dancers now sharing our city and
their dance with us-- offered their knowledge so generously that night.

NOTE: Ilene also produced some CDs to illustrate material discussed PLUS
hand-outs with a reference list to find much more material about this on the
web!  A job so well done.

³MEET THE MUSIC SALON² will meet again this next Sunday, March 18th for 1
hour at 7:30 to 8:30. (The regular milonga continues from 7:30 to midnight
in the front bar area for those only wishing to dance.)

See you soon,

212 777 6053
³Esmeralda¹s TANGO AND TAPAS² Sundays

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