[Tango-A] NA-E: NJ Tango Extravaganza Advertising Opportunities

gltango gltango at verizon.net
Tue Jun 19 14:06:02 EDT 2007

The Forth NJ Tango Extravaganza will take place on March 7,8,9 in 
Parsippany N.J.   As part of the Extravaganza there is the opportunity 
for you to advertise your business by becoming a sponsor of this 
exceptional event.   Several advertising packages are available for your 

Following are the core marketing activities that are provided to ensure 
maximum exposure for your business: 

    * The full color Brochure which is distributed throughout the United
      States.  Last year there were 6000 distributed
    * A world class website (www.tangoextravaganza.com) with advertising
      banners and links
    * The Gala Program which is given to every Gala attendee
    * The NJTE Web site is promoted on over a hundred websites.
    * Bi-Monthly emails to tango news groups reaching thousands of people
    * Local and major newspapers advertisements.

If you are interested in advertising please reply to this email or call 
Greg at 908-221-1033 or Jean at 201.585.8346.  You will receive a prompt 
reply with advertising options and rates.
/_Thank you and we look forward to seeing you at NJTE-4.

Jean, Carolina, Diego and Gregory

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