[Tango-A] Listserv etiquette

Tatum Nolan tatum at cricketisland.org
Wed Feb 28 14:54:57 EST 2007

Thank you for the service you provide, and I am sorry to bother you, but
I have a favor to ask. Given how active this listserv is, the only way I
can keep up with this list is if I can quickly scan and delete
inapplicable emails. I think a very helpful point of etiquette would be
to ask people to list the name of the city in which the event is held in
the subject line of the email. I don't know all the festivals by name,
and when a teacher I love is advertised at an event, but no city is
listed, I have to go to the website only to realize its on the other


It may be impossible to regulate, but perhaps just highly encouraged?
Just my $.02.


Thanks for all you do to keep this alive.




Tatum Nolan

Director of Grantmaking and Interim Executive Director

Cricket Island Foundation

780 3rd Avenue, Suite 3400

New York, NY 10017

p 212-842-5730

f  212-842-5731

www.cricketisland.org <http://www.cricketisland.org/> 


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