[Tango-A] NA:E; NA-W; NA:C: TUSCANY TANGO, June 17-23: Register by March 15!

Diane Ramo dramo at nyc.rr.com
Sun Feb 25 17:42:01 EST 2007

TUSCANY TANGO 2007, June 17-23, 2007 www.tuscanytango.com  The  tango vacation  at the elegant Castello di Gargonza in Monte San Savino, Italy, has only a few spots left! The registration deadline is March 15. Don't miss this opportunity to visit one of the most beautiful landscapes in the world at the perfect time of year and dance! To register, visit the website or contact Diane Ramo, dramo at nyc.rr.com or 212 725 6827. The package price is $1400; a $500 deposit holds your spot.


Teachers include Argentine tango master OMAR VEGA, of the feature film, The Tango Lesson, and RICARDO BARRIOS & LAURA MELO, known for their exuberant teaching and performing partnership throughout Europe and South America.  Plus: milongas, practices, tango workout sessions, along with gorgeous grounds and swimming pool, with many classic Tuscan towns and cities close-by. Package includes accommodation with breakfast, classes, workout sessions, milongas, and practices, performance workshop for advanced dancers; three Tuscan dinners, and opportunities for art and wine tours. Beginner thru Advanced dancers, couples, and singles welcome.   Visit www.tuscanytango.com 

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