[Tango-A] Don't Forget! Sid Grant Tango workshop in Memphis, TN Sept 30 - Oct 1, 2006

Octavia Perryman okperryman at buckman.com
Tue Sep 12 11:58:07 EDT 2006

Don't forget!! It's roughly 2 weeks away. New preliminary event added
(Friday night).


Argentine Tango Workshop with Sid Grant 

in Memphis, TN Sept. 30 - Oct. 1, 2006


Sid Grant of NY City has been partner dancing professionally for over 15
yrs.  He has both performed & choreographed ballroom, Latin, swing &
Argentine tango on Broadway, Off-Broadway & in regional theatre.  Sid has
trained with Carlos Gavito, Juan Carlos Copes, Gustavo Naveira & Julio &
Corina to name a few.  He travels to Buenos Aires several times a year to
study tango & has taught worldwide. You may have seen him in the movies "Mad
Hot Ballroom" and "Mona Lisa Smile."



Friday, Sept. 29, 2006

Performance by Sid & Margaret at the Gallery Ballroom Trolley Dance. Dance
starts at 8pm.


Saturday, Sept. 30, 2006 

Workshop space donated by Fred Astaire Dance Studio, 1789 Kirby Pkwy (at
Poplar) Suite #7


1:00 - 2:15pm              "Hold on!" Dancing the pause (Beginner)


2:30 - 3:45pm              "Making music together" Fundamentals of
musicality (Beginner)


4:00 - 5:15pm              "Which way did he go?" Exploring change of
direction (Beg./Int.)


8:30 - 11:30pm           Milonga                  Venue (To be announced)


Sunday, Oct. 1, 2006

Workshop space donated by Fred Astaire Dance Studio, 1789 Kirby Pkwy (at
Poplar) Suite #7


12:30 - 1:45pm            "What a drag!" Barridas & arrastres for social
tango (Intermediate)


2:00 - 3:15pm              "Mind if I share your axis?" Colgada variations


3:30 - 4:45pm              "Don't cry over spilt milk" Got volcadas?



Early bird full workshop discount: All 6 classes - $75.00 (Early bird
deadline: Sept. 27)

Workshop classes are $15 each prepaid or $20 each at the door.

Make checks to MATS, 1876 Parkview Cv., Memphis, TN 38104

For questions contact: Mariallan  <mailto:mariallan at hotmail.com>
mariallan at hotmail.com or 901-726-4888 (leave msg.) 

Privates are available - contact Margaret to arrange
<mailto:margaretsacks at hotmail.com> margaretsacks at hotmail.com or 901-761-2318


Memphis Argentine Tango Society
<http://www.memphistango.org/> www.memphistango.org
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