[Tango-A] NA-W: Mariana Dragone in Palo Alto, Sunday, Nov 5 (SF Bay Area)

EspirituLibreTango espiritulibretango at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 27 00:56:24 EDT 2006

Sunday, November 5
Palo Alto Elks Lodge, 4249 El Camino Real, Palo Alto
(nr Charleston/Arastradero junction, net to Trader Vic's).

Workshops & Milonga with Mariana Dragone (Buenos Aires)

3:00-4:15 p.m.  FOLLOWERS' TECHNIQUE
Mariana's signature class for all levels  - The keys to moving 
fluidly from a solid core
Partners are not required, but leaders are welcome to attend.
4:30 - 5:45 p.m.   IMPROVING COMMUNICATION in the COUPLE
The gentle persuasive Lead and the musical creative Follow

One workshop $25, both workshops $45.
Free milonga with pre-registration before November 5.
Phone: (408) 739 9737 or  e-mail: espiritulibretango at yahoo.com

6:00 - 10:00 p.m.    MILONGA del ESPIRITU LIBRE
hosted  by Dorcas Hendershott.   DJ: Bernard Kohlhaas
Refreshments, a great dance floor, and plenty of parking.
Milonga $12, Stanford students $7 .  BA Tango members & workshop 
participants $10

Mariana Dragone is a very popular and much-loved teacher, highly 
respected in the San Francisco
Bay Area tango community.  She performed for give year with El Indio 
in the Plaza Dorriego, San Telmo,
Buenos Aires.  She has also worked with the late Hernan Obispo, and 
Fabrizio Forti, and also
appeared on stage with the late Carlos Gavito, Leon Geico, Mercedes 
Sosa and Victor Heredia.
Mariana has performed and taught in Argentina, France, Germany, 
Greece, Switzerland, Spain,
Japan, China, and through the US - recently partnering Chicho 
Frumboli in Sacramento.

directions: http://www.stanford.edu/~dorcas/EspirituLibre
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