[Tango-A] EU-E: 2007 events from Istanbul Tango Festival Organization

Aydogan (El Encuentro) aydogan at tangoencuentro.com
Sun Oct 15 11:03:37 EDT 2006

Dear Friends,
Our 4th International Istanbul Tango Festival will be realized between 5-8th
of July 2007, the date which is almost consistent for our festival through
the years.
But, before the festival we are very happy to announce an Intensive Tango
Nuevo Week with great promising team, between 5-9 of April 2007.
Your Body, Your Creativity, and Your Innovation.... It will be the focus of
the week with the following instructors;
- Andres Amarilla (Bs.As.) - Meredith Klein,  <http://andresamarilla.com>
- Maria Mondino - Ismael Ludman (Bs.As.) http://tangodinamia.com.ar 
- Marcela Trape (Bs.As.),  <http://www.bam.ya.st> www.bam.ya.st
As a world renowned trainer on body awareness, Marcela Trape, will open new
horizons in the way you perceive and conduct your body. Andres and Meredith
will build your capability to innovate, as Maria and Ismael will assist in
developing your natural improvisation in the dance. All resulting in a
comfortable, and brilliant creativity.
The web site (www.istanbultangofestival.com) is not ready now, but will be
soon with details, and programme, BUT more importantly the link between our
2 events.
So, it is time to mark your calendars now for 2 great events in Istanbul...
5-9 April 2007, Intensive Tango Nuevo Week, and
5-8 July 200, 4th International Istanbul Tango Festival
Let's dance where the civilisations dance,
Istanbul Tango Festivals
PS: Istanbul Tango Festival, and the Intensive Tango Nuevo week is an
organization by El Encuentro (www.tangoencuentro.com). 
Feel free to enter the festival official web site
(www.istanbultangofestival.com) to have an idea of the atmosphere of the
last years festivals.
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