[Tango-A] NA-E: LUCIANA VALLE Boston Workshop Schedule!

Hillary Ross hross at MIT.EDU
Wed Nov 1 22:08:30 EST 2006




Friday, December 1 registration at 7:00PM


7:15-8:30PM - a. The Fourth Sacada (very adv.)


Saturday, December 2 registration at 2:00PM

2:15-3:30PM - b. Refining the Fundamentals (all)

3:45-5:00PM - c. The Other Essentials (all)



Sunday, December 3 - registration at 1:00PM

1:15-2:30PM - d. Sequential Boleos (int.-adv.) - proficiency in front/back,
with/contra boleos required!

3:00-4:15PM - e. Dynamic Interaction (int.-adv.) 

4:30-5:45PM - f. Advanced Footwork in Turns (adv.)


Fees paid in advance by November 27:

Any 2 classes $25 each, each additional class $20 each, or package of all 6
classes for $120.

Sorry, no refunds.

Fees at the door:   $25/class

Full-time students w/valid ID, 20% off.







registering for: a.__  b.__  c.__  d.__  e.__   f.__

total amount enclosed:____________

Preregistration must be received by November 27, payable to: HILLARY ROSS,
P.O. Box 425175 , Cambridge , MA 02142 .




Luciana Valle, a member of Gustavo Naveira and Fabian Salas' "Tango
Investigation" group from 1995-1997, has long been a favorite visiting
teacher of local tango dancers, beginner through advanced. 


Luciana is both an expert leader and follower.  She teaches with fantastic
energy and exuberance, has a wonderful eye for detail, and uses descriptive
movement images, making the dance make sense.  Her classes emphasize the
technique and structure of the dance and are equally as challenging and
beneficial for both leaders and followers.


Luciana's teaching is held in high regard across North America , where she
regularly tours to share her knowledge and love of tango.  This is an
opportunity to study with truly one of the best.  

Please help welcome Luciana back to Boston at the Tango Paradiso milonga
Saturday night, December 2.  See



All workshops will be held at the Third Life Studio in Somerville, 33 Union
Square, almost at the heart of Union Square .  This is the segment of
Somerville Avenue coming into Union Square from Porter Square . 


The studio is on the right, a glass door with 33 on it and a small orange
sign above saying Third Life Studio, in between Elegant Furniture and G&T
Tailoring.  It is a brick with green trim building across from the Union
Square Veterinary Clinic.  The door is just about where the first stoplight
in Union Square is located.  


Parking is on the street, or in the Citizen's Bank parking lot after bank
hours (ignore the signs about Bank Parking Only - the studio has an
arrangement with the bank).  For more detailed directions, please see

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