[Tango-A] The Argentine Tango Cultural Tour in San Luis Obispo, CA

sergio segura sergioseguratango at YAHOO.COM.AR
Fri May 19 03:19:34 EDT 2006

Sergio Segura Presents
  The Argentine Tango Cultural Tour in San Luis Obispo, CA

  Argentine Tango History Lecture & Workshop
  with Anton Gazenbeek & Natalie Laruccia
  Sunday May 21st at Oddfellows Hall

  1:00 - 2:30 pm - Historical Presentation             
  Anton Gazenbeek, a renowned tango historian, anthropologist, and tango dancer, has spent many years researching and investigating the roots of tango.  Through his research his has gathered rare footage of Argentine Milongueros from the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. Films will be shown and historic background information and anecdotes will be given on each milonguero.  Historic styles of tango such as Salon, Orillero, Fantasia and Milonga will be discussed and the differences of each style will be explored in depth.  
  Images of Virulazo and Elvira will be shown as well as Antonio Todaro, Miguel and Nelly Balmaceda, Lampazo, Victor and La Rusa, and Dario and La Gallega in addition to many other unforgettable social tango dancers.

  Anton and Natalie will end the presentation with an entertaining demonstration.

  3:00  4:30 pm       Beginners Tango
  4:30  6:00 pm       Intermediate Tango

  San Luis Obispo Oddfellow's Hall
  520 Dana St., San Luis Obispo.  From 101, Exit Marsh St., Left on Nipomo. Dana Street is the first left after Higuera.
  Cost: Lecture $15; classes $25 per person per class  
  For more info:  see www.sloTango.org 
  or call Rich and Leslie (805) 783-0569

        Sergio Segura
  Artist representative & Argentine cultural event producer

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