[Tango-A] NA-W: Sausalito, CA Tango Class and Milonga this Sunday May 14th, 2006 !

gustavo y jesica hornos thetangolesson at HOTMAIL.COM
Mon May 8 08:46:45 EDT 2006

Dear Tangueros y Tangueras,

Be prepared once again to enjoy dancing Tango this coming Sunday May 14th,
2006 in Sausalito, California!

Many people say that they love to dance to the music of the Sausalito
Milonga thanks to our wonderful DJ Gustavo Hornos. You just need to come and
experience it yourself !

We provide drinks, delicious food appetizers, tables, candles, roses, the
best hardwood floors, beautiful music, free parking and a friendly

The Milonga is located at the Stage Dor Studio, in 10 Liberty Ship Way,
Suite # 340, at Bridgeway Blvd., Sausalito, California (it is a big grey
building by the water, two minutes away from downtown).

Sunday May 14th:

8pm to 9pm Beginners/Intermediate Tango Class   $10

9pm to Midnight Milonga   $15

Class and Milonga    $20

Please visit our website for maps and directions to the Milonga.

We look forward to see you on the dance floor !

Warm Regards,

Gustavo and Jesica Hornos

http://www.TheTangoLesson.com <http://www.thetangolesson.com/> 

http://www.TheTangoShop.com <http://www.thetangoshop.com/> 

info at thetangolesson.com


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