[Tango-A] Anton and Natalie weekend in Pittsburgh - Win admission to NYC Summer Tango & Film Festival

sergio segura sergioseguratango at yahoo.com.ar
Fri Jul 7 00:33:29 EDT 2006

In Pittsburgh July 5 - 10
  The Argentine Tango Cultural Tour, with Anton Gazenbeek and Natalie Laruccia http://www.sergioseguraproductions.com/HistoryResearch.htm
  I've just learned that Sergio, Anton, and Natalie are offering a chance to win admission to the New York Summer Tango and Film Festival, July 27-30 2006.  Includes classes, films, lectures, and events and some milongas, a $470 value. Fill out a coupon this weekend and give it to Sergio. The coupons will be available at the workshops, lectures, and the Saturday milonga.
  We will draw the winner at the milonga Saturday night.  
  Opportunities to get your coupon:
    Friday July 7
  Lecture: Milongueros of the 30s, 40s, and 50s. 7:30 to 8:30 pm. $20
  This multi-media presentation covers milonguero dancers Fino and Maria Teresa, Victor and La Rusa, Carlos Sancinella, and Miguel and Nelly Balmaceda. 
  Where: CMU University Center, McConomy Auditorium, 1st Floor
  Workshop: 8:45 to 9:45 pm. $15 alone, $10 with lecture
  Depending on interest, we will offer one or two workshops:
  1A: Milonguero Figures from the 40s, 50s, and 60s
  1B: Tango Fundamentals
  Where: CMU University Center, Activities Room, 2nd Floor
  Saturday July 8
  Gender Workshops: Leader’s and Follower’s Technique (Workshops 2A and 2B). 1:30 to 3:00 pm. $25 each alone; $20 with Sat. lecture 
  Anton transmits the secrets of his strong, clear, unmistakable lead. Includes tango vocabulary such as walking, enrosques, planeos, giros, lápiz, and adornments. At the same time, Natalie teaches Follower’s Technique: keeping your axis, responding to the mark, and simple adornments.
  Where: CMU Skibo Gymnasium, Tech Street.  Say “Tango Workshop” if asked for CMU ID.
  http://www.cmu.edu/home/visitors/map/index.html  Building 10 on this map. Metered parking on Tech Street or, park free in garage and walk across campus.
  Lecture: The World of Todaro and Bravo.  3:30 to 4:30 pm. $20
  This multi-media presentation covers the dance lives of two influential Argentine tango maestros, Antonio Todaro and Raul Bravo, and some of their famous students (Miguel Angel Zotto, Milena Plebs, Osvaldo Zotto, Guillermina Quiroga, Roberto Herrera, Vanina Bilous, etc.).  Includes rare images of Todaro dancing in the 1960s, and films never before seen outside Argentina.
  Where: CMU Danforth Lounge, 5000 Forbes Ave, CMU University Center, 2nd Floor (may move to McConomy Auditorium)
  Workshop: 4:30 to 6:00. $25 alone; $20 with Sat. lecture or 1:30 workshop
  Depending on interest, we will offer one or two workshops:
  3A: The Todaro-Bravo System
  3B: Tango Fundamentals
  Where: CMU University Center, Activities Room, 2nd Floor
  Milonga! 9:00 pm to 1:00 am. $10/$7 students
  Hosted by Rob Clark at his home. 3519 Butler Street, Apt. 2 Pittsburgh, PA 15201. 412-687-3580. BYOB.  Delicious snacks provided, and contributions appreciated. 
  Directions: Rob's building stands directly across from the "T" intersection of Butler and 35th Street in the neighborhood of Lawrenceville. Plenty of free street parking. Butler St. follows the south bank of the Allegheny River, about 10 blocks east of the Strip District.
  Private Lessons July 6-7, 9-10
  With Anton, Natalie, or Sergio at Sarah’s in Forest Hills. $55/hr individual; $70/hr for couples, cash.
  Discounted prices for NYC Summer Tango & Film Festival available at www.tangotravelercard.com
  For more information about the Festival, check

        Sergio Segura
  Artist representative & Argentine cultural event producer

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