[Tango-A] FREE Late-Night and All-Night milongas in Durham, NC celebrating Tangophilia's 2006 Arts Award by Independent Weekly

Gülden Özen gulden at tangophilia.com
Mon Aug 21 12:29:18 EDT 2006

Dear tangophiles,
This is the week/weekend that most of the 
"tangophiliacs" have been waiting for to have the 
reunion with all the "tango monsters" in- and 
out-of-town coming back to Durham to celebrate 
Tangophilia's Indies 2006 Arts Awards :-)
  Here's what we have planned for you all:

This Weekend & Upcoming :

1) August 25, Friday, "Celebration Milonga" for 
the 2006 Indies - Triangle Arts Awardees Jason 
Laughlin & Gulden Ozen of Tangophilia ( 
http://www.indyweek.com/gyrobase/Content?oid=oid%3A34071  )
at Cafe PARIZADE, 10:30pm - 2:30am (this will be a FREE milonga with cash bar!)

2) August 26, Saturday afternoon, celebration for Indies continues:
Introductory TANGO Workshop
    for Newcomers and Beginners,  taught by Jason & Gülden
    Time: 2:00 - 4:30 PM
   Location: Casa de Tango  in Durham (near RTP)

Open to first 20  registrants!
Incredible discounts, $4-$6/hr tango workshops!!!
$15/person ($10/undergrad. or grad. student w/ID)
3) August 26, Saturday night, celebration for 
Indies continues: "All-Night-Milonga" at Casa de Tango!!!
     Midnight - 6:00am!!! FREE!!! Indoors and 
outdoors (patio) dancing all night long! Early 
breakfast for the die-hard tangueros at 5:00am!

4) Upcoming:
  Sept. 15 - 17, 2006, Eric JØRISSEN of El 
Corte  in Durham! One of the most beloved, 
respected and influential tango instructors 
around the world since 1987 is coming back to 
Durham, to the tango community that he truly 
enjoys visiting! Do not miss this LAST MASTER 
WORKSHOP of 2006 Tangophilia will be hosting!

See you on the dance floor dancing until the last one drops!

Gulden & Jason
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