[StarCluster] Star cluster not creating instances on Amazon's East Region

Ramit Bhardwaj ramit.bhardwaj at sicadinc.com
Tue Jul 31 04:58:57 EDT 2012


We are using 'Star cluster' for creating clusters on Amazon Cloud. But 
off late, we are seeing the following error in our logs when we try to 
create a cluster on the US-East region:

"!!! ERROR - Unsupported: The requested Availability Zone is currently 
constrained and we are no longer accepting new customer requests for 
t1/m1/c1/m2 instance types. Please retry your request by not specifying 
an Availability Zone or choosing us-east-1a, us-east-1d, us-east-1c."

Is there anything that we are missing here? The exact setup was working 
perfectly till last month. We are seeing this problem since last one month.

Also, in the forums i did not see anyone reporting this issue. Are there 
any changes to any policy or something? Please advice.

Best Regards

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