[Starcluster] create_image.py

Mark J. Pearrow mjp at MIT.EDU
Fri Jan 8 09:30:38 EST 2010

Hi all,

Sorry for all the spam in one day. Here's what I have discovered wrt creating new AMIs based on the starcluster AMI.

1) Launch an instance of the starcluster AMI
2) run create_image.py and ostensibly generate an exact copy of the original AMI
3) verify that the new AMI exists and is in a new S3 bucket
4) shut down the original instance
5) launch a new instance based on the "new" AMI
6) Observe that the starcluster -s script take a reaaaaaaaaly long time to start up
7) Log in to instance and observe that SGE is not running

I originally thought it might have to do with the sun-java-sdk upgrades but it seems that even a default, stock AMI, when copied, malfunctions. 


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