[Save] Fwd: [CRC Volunteers] GeesePeace certification workshops

Jessica A Lee jalee at MIT.EDU
Tue Mar 23 21:18:50 EST 2004

----- Forwarded message from Britt Lundgren <bml at charlesriverconservancy.org>
    Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 14:01:27 -0500
    From: Britt Lundgren <bml at charlesriverconservancy.org>
Reply-To: Britt Lundgren <bml at charlesriverconservancy.org>
 Subject: [CRC Volunteers] GeesePeace certification workshops
      To: crcvolunteers at charlesriverconservancy.org

Dear Volunteers,

As many of you know, the Charles River Conservancy will be working
with the Department of Conservation and Recreation, the Massachusetts
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and the Esplanade
Association to implement the <http://www.geeesepeace.org>GeesePeace
program along the Charles River this spring.  We'll need volunteers
to help with every stage of the program, from identifying nesting
sites to egg oiling to helping with goose counts and park user
education later in the summer.  If you would like to participate in
nest site identification or egg oiling, you must attend a
certification and training workshop this month.  The MSPCA is hosting
two evening certification workshops:
Tuesday, March 30, from 7:00-9:00 pm. In Jamaica Plain.
Thursday, April 1, from 7:00-9:00 pm. In Sharon.

If you were certified last year, you still need to renew your
certification by attending a workshop this year.

Please contact me to sign up.  You can also contact Stephanie
Hagopian, Director of the MSPCA's Living With Wildlife program, for
more information.  Her email is shagopian at mspca.org.

Britt Lundgren
Volunteer Coordinator
Charles River Conservancy
104 Eldredge St.
Newton, MA 02458
fax 617.641.9304
CRCvolunteers mailing list
CRCvolunteers at charlesriverconservancy.org

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