[Save] Charles River Restoration September 20

Jessica Lee jalee at MIT.EDU
Sun Sep 14 15:49:00 EDT 2003

Help keep our river beautiful!

Join SAVE (Share A Vital Earth) and the Charles River Conservancy on 
Saturday, September 20, for a half-day of restoration work on the banks of 
the Charles River!

It's more than just picking up trash! Our exact project and location have 
yet to be determined, but it will be within walking distance of MIT and 
probably will involve moving soil or rocks, some cleaning, and perhaps 
planting or seeding grass. We'll meet at 77 Mass Ave in the morning and 
walk there together. We'll have a picnic-- bring your lunch, and we'll 
provide some snacks as well. We should be done in the early afternoon.

Do you want to come? It's not too late to sign up! Email 
save-request at mit.edu as soon as you can, and I'll let you know further details.

Hope to see you there!

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