[QIP-Sem] MIT QIP Seminar Announcement (revised)

QIP-Sem Mailing List qip-sem-own at MIT.EDU
Thu Sep 8 04:28:50 EDT 2005

The MIT Quantum Information Processing Seminar Series
Our first seminar of the Fall 2005 semester:

Speaker:  David DiVincenzo
Time:     4:00pm
Date:     Monday, September 12, 2005
Location: CUA confernece room, 26-214

Title:    The IBM Josephson junction qubit


 After almost four years of trying, we've finally got our good
 numbers: 90% visibility, 50nsec coherence time.  We anticipate
 considerable improvements in the latter pretty soon.  I will tell the
 theory part of this story.  There are three unique things about our
 qubit: 1) it is gradiometric, making multiple controls very clean; 2)
 operations are mostly adiabatic, except that there is a crucial,
 small region of parameter space, which we call the "portal", where
 non-adiabatic things happen; 3) The qubit can be converted
 adiabatically to the 0/1 states of a harmonic oscillator.  It is this
 this embodiment of the quantum state that is very coherent.

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