[QIP-Sem] MIT Quantum Information Processing Seminar CANCELLATION

QIP-Sem Mailing List qip-sem-own at MIT.EDU
Mon Nov 15 15:04:22 EST 2004

Today's MIT QIP seminar by Karol Zyczkowski has been CANCELLED due to 
an automobile breakdown.

The next MIT QIP seminar will take place on FRIDAY, Nov. 19 at 14:00 
hours in room 4-153, and features:

Testing the Limits of Quantum Mechanics: Motivation, State of Play, 
and Prospects

by Anthony Leggett (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)


I present the motivation for experiments which attempt to 
generate,and verify the existence of,quantum superpositions of two or 
more states which are by some reasonable criterion "macroscopically" 
distinct,and show that various a priori objections to this program 
made in the literature are flawed.I review the extent to which such 
experiments currently exist in the areas of free-space molecular 
diffraction,magnetic biomolecules, quantum optics and Josephson 
devices,and sketch possible future lines of development of the 

NB: There will be no QIP seminar on Monday, Nov. 22nd.
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