[OWW-SC] oww news and highlights

Jennifer Braff jcbraff at MIT.EDU
Wed Mar 21 16:45:48 EDT 2007

I've been thinking about the format and organization for  OWW News and  
Highlights and am hoping to get some more input before the next sc  

Ideally I think we'd like:

(1) to encourage input from a wide OWW user base
(2) to have a straightforward protocol for contributing news and  
videos, as well as suggesting labs or events to be highlighted
(3) to keep news and announcements current and make sure that  
highlights and videos are swapped out regularly
(4) to maintain a cool-looking front page yet avoid discouraging OWW  
users from contributing due to formatting concerns or (understandable)  
reluctance to remove others' contributions
(5) to make sure that news and highlights that are swapped out are  
archived appropriately

Please edit and add to this list at:

The best solution I have come up with thus far is to have News and  
Highlights curated (by myself and/or others), with an invitation on the  
front page to send news items and highlights contributions/nominations  
to the News and Highlights Chair(s).  It does not strike me as ideal  
for the front page of OWW to be "curated," but, since it is currently  
locked to general editing anyway, at least this option encourages  
community contribution and seems to up the odds that news and  
highlights will be swapped out and archived in a timely fashion.  If  
people have ideas for different ways of accomplishing this, please  
suggest them!



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