[OWW-SC] Fwd: Transfer Private to Public?

Austin Che austin at csail.mit.edu
Thu Feb 8 08:47:04 EST 2007

"Jason Kelly" <jasonk at MIT.EDU> croaked crazily:

> I could imagine people wanting to bluk-move pages.  E.g. I publish a
> paper and then want to move everything with the prefix "ProjectName:"
> onto OWW in one shot - it could be a bunch of pages.  If I hadn't put
> a prefix I assume that would be harder to do automatically?

    I'm not sure how likely this scenario is. It seems amazing that
    someone could figure out beforehand which pages will be part of a
    paper to be made public. But ultimately they need to get a list of
    pages they want moved. However, they want to do it is
    fine. Prefixing page titles is fine if they want. If all the pages
    linked to a certain page, and they use the 'what links here'
    function, that'd work too.
Austin Che           <austin at csail.mit.edu>          (617)253-5899

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