[Mitai-announce] Reminder: You are invited - a life-changing workshop for student activists by Hillary Rettig (tomorrow, 10 AM, room 66-110)

Leonid Chindelevitch leonidus at MIT.EDU
Sat Nov 12 21:55:14 EST 2011

Final reminder about tomorrow's event :)

7 ноября 2011 г. 10:55 пользователь Leonid Chindelevitch
<leonidus at mit.edu>написал:

> Dear fellow Amnesty International members,
> On behalf of MIT Students for Bhopal, it is my pleasure to invite you to a
> workshop by Hillary Rettig, coach and author of "Lifelong Activism", which
> has changed the lives of many activists including my own. If you've ever
> struggled with finding enough time for activism or overcoming
> procrastination, this is the workshop you've been waiting for! The workshop
> details are below, and also at
> http://events.mit.edu/event.html?id=14660805. Please *RSVP* to
> kshekhar at mit.edu and help us spread the word! Looking forward to seeing
> you on Sunday,
> Leonid.
> *What*: Hillary Rettig's amazing workshop for student activists
> *When*: Sunday, November 13, 2011, 10 AM to 5 PM (including a lunch break
> from 1 to 2 PM sponsored by the GSC)
> *Where*: Room 66-110
> Overcoming Procrastination, Perfectionism, Blocks and Fears (10 AM - 1
> PM). This workshop helps participants overcome procrastination and blocks,
> and increase their work tempo. We characterize the specific nature of
> procrastination, underproductivity and blocks, and explain why people have
> trouble overcoming these problems. We also discuss the key procrastination
> symptoms of perfectionism, negativity and fear of  failure/success. After
> precisely characterizing the problem, we discuss solutions, including how
> to overcome blocks; how to optimize your work process; and how to find and
> work with mentors. After the workshop, participants typically feel
> energetic and empowered and eager to go home and make some of the changes
> we've discussed. Many later report making more progress on their goals than
> they have in a long time.
> Time Management (2 PM - 5 PM). This workshop begins with a discussion of
> how time should be viewed and valued; why one needs to manage it; and how
> successful people view and use time. Then we move onto the five
> foundational principles of time management, and contrast examples of
> managed and unmanaged time schedules. We then discuss right and wrong ways
> to use time, lifestyles that support and inhibit success, and techniques
> for budgeting and tracking your time. We also discuss how to set
> priorities; how to decide and maintain boundaries; and how to "create" time
> through delegation and other techniques. Finally, we discuss tips for
> sticking to your schedule, and dealing with unsupportive people. After the
> workshop, many participants report being more productive and less stressed.

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