[Mitai-announce] Upcoming Event: Democracy in the Middle East? A talk followed by a Q&A session.

Cory Hernandez cdh2014 at MIT.EDU
Mon Apr 18 15:53:27 EDT 2011

Democracy in the Middle
A talk followed by a Q&A session.

*We will have two speakers:*

Kristin Fabbe, a graduate student at MIT in Course 17, Political Science,
will be speaking. Her bio can be found at: http://web.mit.edu/polisci
/people/gradstudents/kristin-fabbe.shtml. She will speak about her
experiences at Tahir Square and provide an analysis of the ongoing events in
the Middle East because she is an expert on that field. Moreover, she will
speak on the issue of economic development in tandem with the necessary
growth of human rights.

Alyssa Roque, an undergraduate student at MIT, will also be speaking. She
was present when the Tunisian revolution took place. The Tunisian revolution
sparked off the wave of revolutions in the Middle East and made those
dictators quit their jobs.

*Dinner will be provided.*

*Sponsored by MIT Amnesty International, iHouse, and UA Funding Board.*

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