[Mitai-announce] Turning The Tide (May 13th in MIT)

PremNandhini Satgunam premnandhini.satgunam at schepens.harvard.edu
Wed May 5 22:08:08 EDT 2010

   Association Fo   MIT & Boston Chap   present 

                 Sprea                        Talk by AID Saathi, Revathy
   DATE: Thursda
   LOCATION: MIT, Building 4, Room   77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA [[1]Google Map]
   MORE DETAILS:    our2010/Boston

   [[3]Facebook Even
   We would like to invite you to a very special talk by AID    Revathy who is on a US tour. After Cyclone Aila in May 2009 where mo   st of the salinated land was speculated to be useless for agriculture
   for 3    farmers in the   vegetables using modern and innovative organic methods proving them
   wrong i   Read more: [[4]Cyclone Aila Website]
   About Revathy:
   Revathy has worked with more t   movement in    governments   in the importance of rejuvenating   towards soil restoration, seed selection   create organic pest repellent and herbicides would h   understand and appreciate the intricacies involved in agricultural
   practices. She also has a lot of experience in    and has spearheaded some   Tsunami(Tamil Nadu), Cyclone <   class=yshortcuts>Aila (West Bengal) and    floods.
   [[5]Learn More...] 

   [6]Association for India's Development (A   committed to promoting sustainable, equitable, a   In solidarity with non-violent people's struggles, AID    grassroot organizations in India and initiates efforts in various i   nterconnected spheres such as education, livelihoods, natural
   resources, hea   


   1. 3D"http://ma=/
   2. 3D"http://www.aidboston.org/RevathyUSTour2010/Boston"
   3. ="http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=123395447677052"
   4. 3D"http://aidindia.org/main/content/cat   5. 3D"http://www.aidboston.org/RevathyUSTour   6. 3D"http://www.aidindia.org/"

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