[Mitai-announce] Help needed tomorrow: DOW Chemical at MIT at NOON

Kayvan Zainabadi kayvan at MIT.EDU
Mon Sep 24 03:42:56 EDT 2007

Hello all,

*We just found out that Dow is recruiting at MIT TOMORROW (Monday) at NOON in
18-478 <http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?mapterms=18-478&mapsearch=go>!*

A few of us are planning on organizing a small action to hold DOW accountable
for the living tragedy of Bhopal, where 20,000+ people still drink contaminated
drinking water. We see it as our chance to stand up for the people of Bhopal and
other victims of corporate irresponsibility. If you need to brush up on Bhopal
and what exactly happened, please take a look at the Amnesty International
on it: http://web.amnesty.org/pages/ec-bhopal-eng.

Background: Dow Chemical is responsible for 10-15 people dying every month
in Bhopal without proper medical attention or economic support as a result
of the 1984 catastrophic methyl isocyanate leak and intense drinking water
contamination affecting 20,000 Bhopalis. Union Carbide was the cause of the
original disaster, Dow bough Carbide in 2001 and set aside 2.2 billion to
address Carbide's asbestos liabilities in the US, but is ignoring  Bhopal.
There are 120,000 people still disabled and sick from the 1984 disaster, and
many more who are affected by the water poisoned by the contaminated factory
site that Dow refuses to clean up. We want to make sure the students who are
interested in working for Dow know what kind of company it is.

Please let me know if you can make this event - CALL ME asap if you can help out
in any ways 617-680-8746. Otherwise, just meet at the event location at 11:45am.

Our goal is to:
1) Make potential future employees of Dow aware of Dow's history
of violating human rights in Bhopal and elsewhere, and of its ongoing sales
of toxic products around the world even those banned due to health effects
in the US.
2) Put pressure on Dr. Carnahan and via him, the company, by threatening
thier ability to recruit brilliant minds. Our goal is not to convince Dr.
Carnahan of anything, but rather share as much information with the
attendees as possible, and make sure that Dr. Carnahan returns to Dow to
report that another recruiting session was diminished by people concerned
about Bhopal.

 Since this is not an open public event, here is what I recommend:

*1) Poster* everywhere before the event
2) Dress as professionally as possible and *hand out information at the
beginning* of the event outside the room for the event but also OUTSIDE the
building - since Building 18 is unconnected,  all attendees will have to
come in through only one of a couple close together doors, so it should be
easy to catch them there. (use Blue planet run flyer attached)
*3) Hold signs and protest in the hallway* (wear Bhopal t-shirts if you have

Event details:

Dow Chemical

Speaker: Dr. Ted Carnahan

Time: 12:00p?1:00p

Location: 18-478<http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg?mapterms=18-478&mapsearch=go>,


Open to: Preselects

Sponsor(s): Chemistry-recruitment

For more information, contact:
Casey Campbell
ccampbel at mit.edu
This event is categorized as: career development

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