[Mitai-announce] Remember Bhopal: Hiroshima of the Chemical Industry

Rose A Lee roselee at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 20 02:31:36 EDT 2007

Hi all,

During Earth Week Amnesty will be co-sponsoring an environmental health series
focused on the Bhopal Disaster.  Hope to see you there!

The Bhopal Disaster is often cited as the worst industrial disaster to date: a
gas leak at a Union Carbide (now owned by Dow) pesticide plant in India killed
7,000 in a few days, and 22,000 to date.  Union Carbide/DOW has yet to clean up
the site, leaching pesticides and poisons into the soil as well as the water
system. People are still dying from the disaster today?.

Environmental Health: Bhopal and the Larger Picture

Legacy of Bhopal Photo Exhibit: "We are not Flowers, We are Flames!" by the
acclaimed Raghu Rai and Maude Dorr.

    Stata Center Lobby (Building 32): April 23rd-27th. On display all week

"Does the Environment Really Affect Your Health"
    Professor Thilly of the BE department will review public health records from
    the 20th century on the reality of environmental risks for major mortal
    diseases. Refreshments served.

    Tuesday, April 24th 7:00-8:30PM
    Stata Center, Room 141: 32-141

"The Toxic Century: Bhopal and the Future of Green Chemistry"
    Panel discussion by Gary Cohen and Aquene Freechild of the Environmental
    Health Fund, and Professor Ron Willey, Northeastern University professor in
    chemical engineering on the Bhopal Disaster.  Comparing social and technical
    perspectives.  What happened that night, what does it mean for the
    future, and what can we do together?  Refreshments served.

    Thursday, May 3rd 6:30-8:00PM
    Building 37, Room 212: 37-212

Sponsored by: MIT Amnesty, MIT Program for Human Rights and Justice, MIT AID:
Association for India's Development, SAVE: Share a Vital Earth, and MIT
Hippocratic Society

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