[Mitai-announce] Upcoming MIT Amnesty Events!

Kayvan kayvan at MIT.EDU
Tue Apr 17 12:26:41 EDT 2007

Hi guys,

Dont forget about these upcoming events:

1) TODAY! 5pm in 66-110: Ambassador Francis Deng's lecture "Darfur in 
the context of Sudan's Conflicts: A human rights reality check"

2) April 19 (Thursday), 6pm in 66-148: MIT AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL 
MEETING! Please come learn and help out with future events. Agenda items 
include: Darfur, Bhopal, Guantanamo Bay and more!  We need help guys, 
come to the meeting and pitch in (do your part for human rights!).

3) A) April 23-27 'Legacy of Bhopal Photo Exhibit' Stata center lobby
    B) April 24, In memory fo the victims of the Bhopal Gas Disaster:

"Does the Environment Really Affect your Health?" by Prof. Thilly
Tuesday, 7-830pm Stata 32-141

4) ***April 26 (Thursday), evening time (time/place TBD): Sneak preview 
of the yet un-released Darfur documentary 'Sand & Sorrow' (narrated by 
George Clooney) + expert panel after the movie for Q&A, including:

-Director of the movie, Paul Freedman
-Co-chair of the Massachusetts Coalition to Save Darfur, Eric Cohen
-Deputy Director of Physicians for Human Rights, Susannah Sirkin
-Executive Director of the Responsible Endowments Coalition, Morgan Simon
-Author & founder of the Harvard Darfur Action Group, Bec Hamilton

This has the makings of a truly epic event, please mark your calendars!


ps: check web.mit.edu/amnesty for updates and more info!

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