[miso-users] Miso 0.5.1 installation error

Nastasja Kreim n.kreim at imb-mainz.de
Tue Mar 4 09:10:11 EST 2014


I tried to install miso 0.5.1 with python 7.7.3  or pyhton 2.6.6 today.
The check for the availability of modules went fine. There is no bin 
directory created and there are no python files without the postfix py.

After making the pythons scripts available I get the following error 
running test_miso.py:

Running test_miso.py gives the following error after throwing a syntax 
error sam_to_bam:
sam_to_bam: line 8: syntax error near unexpected token `('
sam_to_bam: line 8: `def sam_to_bam(sam_filename, output_dir,'

I do have the same issues with the 0.5.0 and the newest git hub version. 
Version 0.4.9 does work fine.
Do you have a hint for me what could get wrong here?


Nastasja Kreim
Institute for Molecular Biology gGmbH
Funded by the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation
Ackermannweg 4
55128 Mainz
Tel: +49(6131) 39 21527
Mail: n.kreim at imb-mainz.de

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