[miso-users] Followup to: Syntax error with MISO

Singh, Larry (NIH/NHGRI) [E] larry.singh at nih.gov
Mon Jul 29 23:12:02 EDT 2013

Hi Yarden,

I was having a similar problem as the user below reported in the archives about a Syntax error with MISO.  I soon realized that the older version of python was being used, as there were two versions on my system.  Python 2.4 gives a syntax error, python 2.7 doesn't.  To get around this I edited run_events_analysis.py and changed lines 151 and 562 to put the full path for python in the miso_cmd variable.  I'm not sure if the user was still having this problem, but this workaround did the trick for me.

Best regards,

Katerina Bendak katschib at gmx.de <mailto:miso-users%40mit.edu?Subject=%5Bmiso-users%5D%20Syntax%20error%20with%20MISO&In-Reply-To=>
Tue Mar 5 21:35:49 EST 2013

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Dear Yarden,

I have only just started using MISO and am not very experienced with
bioinformatics. I have mapped my RNA-seq data with TOPHAT and am currently
trying to detect differentially spliced exons with MISO. The program
unfortunately seems to run into a syntax error. I pasted everything below.
Maybe you have an idea what could be going wrong?

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